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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The mission of the San Jacinto County Appraisal District is to serve the citizens, property owners and taxing units of San Jacinto County with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect.  We will uphold these standards by timely producing an accurate, complete, and equitable appraisal roll in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas.

We expect excellence in the services that we provide and recognize that excellence shall be achieved through individual and team effort on the part of well-trained, motivated personnel.  Accordingly, we are committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that provides and supports innovation and change that is essential to effectively perform in a constantly changing society.

We are also committed to earn and keep the public’s trust and confidence in the work we perform, striving to provide quality services and demonstrating a professional attitude.

The San Jacinto County Appraisal District’s goals are:

  • Appraise property at market value in a fair, equal, and uniform manner, adhering to the Texas Property Tax Code, USPAP, and generally accepted appraisal standards.
  • Administer exemptions and special use valuation in a fair, equal, and uniform manner.
  • Be diligent and proficient in maintaining records on valuation, deed changes, and mapping.
  • Operate at the least expense to taxpayers without compromising quality.
  • Provide excellent customer service that is accessible, responsive, and transparent.

This professional attitude will include:

  1. Always being respectful and courteous
  2. Communicating with understandable language
  3. Being honest with the people we meet
  4. A willingness to correct errors to the extent allowed by law
  5. Respecting the taxpayer or entities concerns or problems
  6. Providing comprehensive and accurate information
  7. Treat everyone in the manner you would like to be treated

Office Information